Russian Association of Motor Insurers (RAMI)

The Russian Association of Motor Insurers (RAMI) is a non-profit organisation that is a consolidated all-Russian professional association founded on the principle of compulsory membership of insurers that exercise obligatory liability insurance of motor vehicle owners. It acts in order to provide interaction of its affiliates and establishment of professional rules of conduct in the implementation of compulsory insurance.

The Association implements its activity in accordance with Federal Law No. 40-FZ of 25 April 2002 «On compulsory insurance of third party liability of motor vehicle owners».

The Russian Association of Motor Insurers carries out the following functions:

  1. providing interaction of its members in implementation of compulsory motor third part liability (CMTPL) insurance while developing and enforcing implementation of rules that govern the conduct of RAMI and its members professional activities;
  2. representing and protecting the interests of its members in relation with the implementation of compulsory insurance, at government agencies, local authorities and other bodies and organisations;
  3. making compensation payments to victims in accordance with the constituent documents of a professional association and the requirements of the current Federal law;
  4. providing its members with blank CMTPL insurance certificates of compulsory insurance and the blank forms used at carrying out insurance operations in the framework of international MTPL insurance systems, and monitors the use of these forms;
  5. making up any deficiency, from the funds intended for compensatory payments and in accordance with the insolvency law, in the event that an insurance company transfers it portfolio with insufficient assets;
  6. creating and using information resources that contain information about compulsory insurance;
  7. co-ordinating the efforts of members of the Association aimed at combating fraud and other illegal actions in the field of compulsory insurance and of insurance in the framework of international systems of MTPL insurance, as well as efforts aimed at countering the unfair competition;
  8. organising and conducting activities to ensure road traffic safety, to decrease accident risks of motor vehicles and to minimize damages caused by traffic accidents; etc.

Since January 1 2012, the Russian Association of Motor Insurers has played a key role in implementing the Federal Law No. 170-FZ “On the technical inspection of transport vehicles and the amendments to certain legislative acts of the Russian Federation”.

At present, 72 insurance companies are affiliated as full members with RAMI.

Mr Igor Yurgens is President of RAMI, since 2015.

Russian Association of Motor Insurers (RAMI)
Address: 115093, Moscow, Lyusinovskaya Street, 27, Building 3
Phone: + 7 (495) 771-69-44
Fax: +7 (495) 771-69-44 ext.133, +7 (499) 236-16-07


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